Our mid winter Club day on August 8th was very successful even on a very chilly afternoon.
Our club entertainers were Allan Dadson with a lovely version of Candle in the Wind played on our new Piano.
Marlene played next on Piano followed by Taka who played his new Yamaha keyboard fitted with a full pedal board.
Laurie Conder finished off the first half with a request session taking requests from the floor.
Afternoon tea was served and then Dave Hallam was our Guest Artist for the second half of the afternoon.
Dave choice of Music as always was enjoyed by us all. He started with "Puttn on the Ritz" followed by "In My Life" by the Beatles. Lots more followed including " Into the West" from Lord of the Rings, "Meditation" which he played on the 407 Clavinova.
"When your Smiling, "Harlem Nocturn", " Just in Time" and many more .